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Become a Participant of 
Mustangs for Veterans

Are you a farm, facility, or program dedicated to training mustangs and supporting veterans?


The Mustangs for Veterans network brings together organizations that share the mission of pairing wild mustangs with veterans to promote healing, purpose, and partnership. By becoming a participant, you can contribute your expertise in mustang training and horsemanship to help transform the lives of veterans and these remarkable horses.


Together, we can expand opportunities, share resources, and make a lasting impact.


Join our network today!


To get started, please email Jeneva Jacob with the following details:


  • Program/facility name 

  • City and state 

  • Mission statement 

  • A short bio of the history

  • Program email address

  • Program phone number 

  • Program/facility website link

  • Facebook link 

  • A photo of the owner/trainer/program director, and their name. If applicable, kindly include which military branch they are associated with.


We look forward to connecting with you!

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